So with Tink right around the corner, I have been thinking a lot about costumes. I know this is probably a huge no-no to many, but I'm thinking of simply recycling my Tink costumes from the last race. GASP--I know! Hear me out on this; I'm thinking it just makes sense.

First, I'm going to swap and wear running gear for the half and the costume for the 5k. Let's face it; I'm not really in great running shape so why bother with all that extra fluff. I'll support the Tink theme but be comfortable.
Second, that Wendy costume is super cute! I loved it, and I want to wear it one more time! It's a bit heavy, though, so the 5k is perfect.
Third, I'm a toddler mom, and I just don't have the time to put into an elaborate costume. Yes, I'm kind of wimping out here, but my home business is booming (so that means more time out of my day to work), my work outside the home is increasing, I'm in the last few weeks of my college course, and you know, life happens! I'm just trying to set realistic expectations for myself without having to live off a perma-coffee drip!

Finally, I'm really going into this trip to focus on a fun family vacation. I've said it before: you have to decide are you going to Disney to run or are you running on your Disney vacation. This time I'm definitely running on my Disney vacation. If it wasn't for the bling, I probably wouldn't have even registered for the race.
That's all folks! I'm doing it! I'm recycling my costume and will proudly wear it for the races...again! I'll have to spend some time focusing on September's costumes soon because I have no back-up for those races. Pixar theme here we come!
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