Monday, September 29, 2014

Recommit to Rehab

I plan a lot of my blogging when I'm out running.  Makes sense, right?  This IS, after all, a blog grounded in running.  Sunday, I headed out for a 9 mile run, and thought I should try to push my run intervals a little and run for 1:30 and walk for 1 minute.  It did not quite go as planned.  I have a race in two weeks and I'm feeling a little beat down.
What I'm realizing quickly is I have not done my part in rehabbing my knee after surgery.  Especially since I've been back to teaching classes at the gym, I have slacked on my knee exercises.  It's tough, because since my doctor refused to give me therapy, I'm doing it all on my own.  I have great advice from medial professionals I really trust.  So this week, my plan is to recommit to getting this knee stronger.  (Didn't I promise this before???).
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Here's my plan:
Leg Press--both legs & right leg only
Lateral step up & over the BOSU
Squats on the BOSU
Single leg step ups on a platform
Balance with resistance--4 ways
Clockwork lunges (5 ways)
Lots of stretching!!!
What am I missing?  I know some of you out there have had knee problems.  What exercise got you back the strongest?

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